Core_09_Reading Questions Plato
Lec 2
Diotima Questions Socrates:
Note Diotima’s reasons in favor of her thesis that Eros/Love is not a God.
Note Diotima’s ideas of what it is to be a ‘spirit’ – love is one of them.
Diotima’s Speech:
Think of some of the several goals of Diotima’s speech might have:
Vis-à-vis the other speeches; vis-à-vis Socrates’ prejudices and ignorance;
vis-à-vis the right conception and model of love;
vis-à-vis how love ought to be practiced;
vis-à-vis the idea of beauty (end).
Try to determine the organization of Diotima’s speech. (Some divisions are
pretty clearly marked. I have divided her speech into ca. 7 bigger subsections.).
What does Diotima communicate through her myth of the birth of Eros?
What is it to be ‘in-between’ (204B.6)?
Always according to Diotima: what is the point of loving beautiful things (204D.4)?
Diotima’s widest definition of love (205D.2)?
Look for examples that illustrate that the thing pursued through love is “to give birth to beautiful things” (206B.9).
Diotima also claims that immortality is a further purpose and cause accounting for
activities driven by love. What does the search for immortality explain?
Note the value hierarchy of fields, domains, objects lovingly pursued. Try to
make a ranked list. Why are some pursuits more worthy than others?
What are the steps on the ‘ladder of love’, Diotima’s presentation of an ascent to the highest love (210A ff.)?
The ultimate goal of loving (211A ff.) – what is it ? Note some of its characters.